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Directors talk about Zootopia sequel possibilities

Hello everybody! Guess what? At the Golden Globes meeting, the directors of Zootopia have been talking about the possibility of a sequel, or continuation, of the story. They call it: Zootopia 2!

If the directors decide to make this sequel, it will possibly come out in theaters spring of...wait for it...


I know! It takes that much to make a movie! Imagine waiting three whole years for a movie! We would all be three years older than we we are today. Crazy! But who wouldn't like a continued story? Who knows, maybe it could contain some answers to mysteries that are hold in the first movie! Anyway, they are saying that the lead character could be Nick Wilde, the fox, while Judy Hopps, the bunny, could be the second lead character in this possible sequel. It would also feature Nick's older brother! Yep, Nick's not the only one in his family! There could be other possible scenes, too, like when Judy introduces Nick to her parents. Well, we might never know for sure! Don't worry, I'll still keep you updated. That's all for today! Bye!

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