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The Complete Story of How I became a Zootopia Fan

   So, it all happened on June 28 of 2016. But before that happens, fast reverse to the year Frozen came out. I was the biggest fan of Frozen. The princesses were simply amazing, the story was touching, and I definitely loved the song Let it Go!!!! After going to go see it, I spent weeks just running around the house yelling the lyrics to Let It Go. But that was when I was around my little brother's age. 8. Then, through the years, I have matured, and I didn't really like Frozen that much. Fast foward to the year before Zootopia came out, and by then, I had given up on Frozen. I officially had no official favorite movie. Then, when I was eating dinner one day, I saw the trailer for Zootopia on the TV. I didn't think much of seeing it, because I was young and didn't know about what the central theme really meant. So, I actually didn't go see it in theaters!! I know, crazy fact!!

   That was in March. Fast forward to June, and I was on summer vacation. My mom rented the DVD from Redbox, and I was kinda excited this time because now I have known more. So, she went to go and eat with my brother, so I watched it alone. When I finally watched the concert scene at the end of the movie, my mom came into the living room. She got bored, so she left again. But I was so ASTONISHED!!! I loved the whole theme of the movie, the colors, the characters and chemistry between Judy and Nick. So, I was officially named a Zootopia Fan that day!!!! 

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