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New Comic "Jack Black" will leave you with your jaw dropped

   Have you heard about the latest Zootopia fandom comic? It's called "Jack Black," kind of like James Bond, but Zootopia.OMGOODNESS, IT'S AMAZING!!!!!!! Basically, Zootopia's first male rabbit detective EVER is coming to Zootopia to train the officers for a very important mission. And when Jack meets Judy, he falls for her. Of course, Nick is super jealous, so he doesn't really like Jack because he also likes Judy. But people are now saying that Jack and Judy could make a good couple, and Nick's irritated.

   It's really good! Perfect levels of action, suspense, mystery, and ROMANCE!!!! If you can, go and check it out!!!

   Oh well. That's all for today!! It's snowing outside and I'm gonna have to shovel. Stay tuned for more Zootopia News!!!😀

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